Kathleen Christianson


Feldenkrais Practitioner 1998

Polestar® Pilates 2000

Classical Pilates 2001

When Kathleen’s Feldenkrais educational director asked her, “how can you apply the Feldenkrais method?” it became the question that challenged Kathleen in all her professional endeavors. Initially, she was able to answer that question when she saw the benefits of applying Feldenkrias concepts to the intellectually and developmentally challenged residents at Misericordia in Chicago. Later, as a stage actor, Kathleen again utilized the Feldenkrais method to enhance her performances. Kathleen was beginning to see there was a multitude of options for applying Feldenkrais principles.

Body Balance, a former Chicago alternative fitness studio specializing in Pilates, offered more possibilities to her Feldenkrais educational director’s original question. That answer became even more clear as Kathleen began the certification process for both Polestar® and Classical Method Pilates training. She began to witness the results of incorporating the Feldenkrais method into Pilates sessions.

As a result, the creation of her Philosophy of Movement and An Elegant Strength classes became the final answer to her educational director’s initial question. Moshe Feldenkrais wrote: “when you know what you’re doing, you can do what you want”. Now that Kathleen has spent decades finding answers to that Feldenkrais instructor’s question, she invites her clients to consider: how can the Feldenkrais method be applied to you?

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